9. November 2012 - 10. November 2012

Tags: Community Work

Here the invitation and the proceedings (in Basque): A 250 people village. They are proud for their 40 years experience of self-management, very common in the ancient Basque tradition, but uncommon here, these days. Every 4 years people that want to get involved in the administration will appear, and citizens choose (before the official polls) who will be their representatives.The 7 people most voted form the only list on the official polls and the ruling team for the next 4 years. But this very model is now in crisis, and we will spend Friday afternoon and Saturday morning Open Space on how to innovate and improve the system...

N° of Participants
2 days


Sponsoring Organisation

  1. Zeraingo Udala


  1. Aurtenetxe Pildain, Eleder